Simple pricing for your use case

Locadapt scales with you, offering unparalleled service across all tiers. Simply choose the one that suits your needs. Select from your favourite plan and get started instantly.



Great for tiny static sites or testing the waters

  • One project
  • 2,000 translated words
  • 10,000 translation requests / mo
  • One target language
  • One domain (+ localhost)
  • 10% affiliate commission



Perfect for small-scale solo products

  • Everything in Free, plus
  • 250,000 translated words
  • 250,000 translation requests / mo
  • Three languages
  • Unlimited domains (+ locahost)
  • 20% affiliate commission
  • Email support within 24 hours



Ideal for small- to mid-range startups

  • Everything in Starter, plus
  • 1,000,000 translated words
  • 1,000,000 translation requests / mo
  • Unlimited languages
  • Three projects
  • Unlimited shareable access
  • Auto-detect visitor language


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Best for big companies

  • Everything in Professional, plus
  • Up to infinite translated words
  • Up to infinite translation requests / mo
  • Up to infinite projects
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Featured on Locadapt (limited)
  • 12-hour email response time
  • Whatever else you might need
#1-LLM-powered translation
Translation dashboard
Styled language selector
SEO translation
Subdirectory / subdomain hosting
Internal link re-routing
# of projects113Unlimited
# of languages13UnlimitedUnlimited
# of domains1UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Translated words2,000250,0001,000,000Unlimited
Translation requests (≈pageviews) / mo10,000250,0001,000,000Unlimited
Affiliate commission rate10%20%20%20%
Email supportTime permitting24 hours12 hours12 hours
URL whitelist + blacklist
Share functionality
Visitor language auto-detection
Featured on homepage
99.9% uptime guarantee

Trusted by top businesses

Locadapt already has translation partnerships with entrepeneurs and teams from across the globe.

student agencies